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New Specification Checking Service for Architects and Specifiers

Procter Automatic Gates is launching a free specification checking service for architects and specifiers

Procter Contracts, a UK leader in the design, manufacture and installation of automatic swing, sliding, telescopic and bi-folding gates, is launching a free specification checking service for architects and specifiers.  This service will help to ensure that new powered gates comply with all current safety standards and guidance from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and the Powered Gates Group of the Door & Hardware Federation (DHF).  Moreover, it will help to avoid the need for costly alterations and upgrades during or after the installation, and architects, specifiers and end users can be confident that the gates will, in fact, be safe.

Powered gates offer many advantages, particularly where some degree of manual or automated access control is required, but the gates are usually equipped with motors that are powerful enough to cause serious injury in the event of a person to become trapped or entangled in the moving gate or its mechanism.  In the past few years, there have been three fatalities, which underlines the need to get the design and specification right on new powered gates.  Gate safety has always been a priority for Procter Automatic Gates (and Procter Sliding Gates prior to the rebranding), and for several years the company has endeavoured to educate the market by publishing articles about gate safety via its own website and email newsletter, and also in the trade press.  The company is a founding member of the Door and Hardware Federation’s Powered Gate Group that was established in response to requests from the Health & Safety Executive.  Since its formation, the Powered Gate Group has worked with the HSE to write a Guide to Gate Safety Legislation and Standards and has also developed a comprehensive training programme that will become mandatory for all members of the group.  Procter Automatic Gates is one of the first companies to attain the status of a Safety Assured installer, with a total of 5 members of staff completing the training programme and being awarded their Safety Diploma that qualifies them to inspect and assess the safety of powered gates.

Procter Automatic Gates is now offering a specification checking service to coincide with Gate Safety Week (13-19 October), which has been organised by the Powered Gate Group to improve awareness of the issues relating to the installation and maintenance of powered gates.  Any architect or specifier planning to use a powered gate on a project in the UK can submit their designs and specifications, together with information about gate usage, whereupon Procter’s experts will assess whether the gate would meet the essential health and safety requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and could be CE marked accordingly and whether the gate would satisfy the requirements of the Powered Gate Group Guide to Gate Safety Legislation and Standards.  Depending on the conditions of use (for example, whether members of the public are present or just trained users) and the types of control (for example, fully automated or hold-to-run switches), there are guideline for the types of safety measures that should be specified, such as key switches, pressure-sensitive edges, presence detection devices and force limitation.  Other aspects of the specification that Procter’s experts will check include the adequacy of the fencing to protect the run-back area, trip hazards, and the widths of gaps between swing gates and supporting pillars.

Installing over 100 powered gates every year, Procter Automatic Gates is very familiar with the standards and guidelines, so is in an excellent position to check specifications.  Doing so at the design and specification stage is very prudent, as installers are legally obliged to check the gate and, assuming it is fully compliant, issue a Declaration of Conformity and CE mark the gate to indicate that it meets the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.  If any shortcomings are identified, it may be necessary to make safety-related modifications or enhancements that could be costly and delay completion of the project.

To use the free specification checking service or to discuss any aspects of automatic gates, telephone us or email enquiries@proctercontracts.co.uk

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