High-security mesh panel fencing is better looking
23rd October 2014
Compared with other high-security mesh panel fencing, the Pro-sure 358 system is more secure and has a better appearance, yet it is very competitively priced. It exceeds the requirements of BS 1722-14 Fences. Specification for open mesh steel panel fences and can be erected by Procter’s teams of installers very quickly and easily.
Panel height is 2.4m and the maximum width is 2.515m, with 4mm wire welded to create a mesh 76.2 x 12.7mm. The profiled posts measure 66 x 80mm. All components are available from stock. If required, Procter Fencing Systems can also manufacture, supply and install matching pedestrian or vehicle access gates, and additional security can be provided in the form of fence post extensions and 450mm flat wrap barb tape.
Typical applications for the Pro-sure 358 high-security mesh panel fencing system include industrial/commercial areas, schools, hospitals, psychiatric units, young offenders’ centres, prisons and other areas where a simple boundary fence would provide inadequate security.
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